Make your own digital Family Yearbook
What do you do with the photos you take on your phone each year? Most of us take hundreds of photos on our smartphones, but sadly, most of us don’t do anything with them. They end up accumulating on some cloud storage site and our memories that we spent so much time capturing are lost.
What are your options? You could print the photos and slide them into an album, but those are bulky and don’t do a good job of telling the story that goes with the photos. You could scrapbook them, but that is time-consuming and can be an expensive hobby. Let me share that, I have done both in the past, but have found a new way to print my photos that is easy to keep up with, beautiful when printed and less bulky than traditional methods. I call it my digital family yearbook.
This is the cover of my 2020 Digital Family Yearbook. Inside you will find, 7 photos per page; one for each day of the week, or you can simply collage 7 photos that mean something to you from your week. Honestly, no one will ever know if the days are a bit off. At the end of the year, you have an amazing collaboration of photos you took on your smartphone throughout the year. The template I chose for 2020 is called Simply Seven and you can choose between tan, white or black pages. These are some pages from my book for 2020 that have been ordered at FOREVER and will be on their way to me soon.
The idea of creating a digital family yearbook is simple, a photo a day, but over the past couple of years, I have developed my own rhythm. I mainly do a weekly summary per page and have added special events. If I were to do one page per week, with seven photos per page, the book would be about 53 pages! Since there’s room for 99 pages, I am able to add birthdays, family events, renovation and yard photos, and it gives a more complete picture of what our year was like in photos. I have no trouble filling up the book with photos taken over the year.
What if you are saying: “I don’t take that many photos, how can I fill an entire book!?”. Add in things you love, photos of your home, your yard, world news. You may think it’s of no interest, but if my grandmother or aunt had done this decades ago, I would find it fascinating to look through, almost like a BioPic book.
You can add in photos that friends or family send you, and it doesn’t only have to be current photos. I have added photos scanned as memories from the past, recipes made, photos that have been shared, it truly is a collaboration of your year and all that encompasses it. I choose FOREVER for this project because I can do it on the go, the system saves my work and its waiting for me to come back and work some more.
Try it out for yourself! The process is simple and you can create right from the FOREVER website in Design & Print. You will find it simple to do right from your phone or computer. It helps to have your best photos uploaded to your FOREVER account so you can chronologically choose and drop them into the photo spots. Write a quick summary of the week, and then go make some more memories and repeat the process each Sunday evening. It will literally take you 10 minutes, and if you get a bit behind it’s just a quick process to play catch up. Creating the family yearbook will inspire you to get organized with your photos in 2021 and I am here to help along the way!